(Some project descriptions - more up on email request)
Scope of services:
Requirements Engineering & Business Analysis
Analysis / Requirement-Analysis / Solution – Analysis / Technical conception / IT - Architect
Documentation of ..
FS (Feasibility Studies),
DSP / DSD (Detailed Solution Designs),
SSP / SD (System Designs)
ASP (Application System Specification)
HLD (High Level Designs)
AS (requirement specifications / requirements specification),
FSL (specialized specification solution / specialized technical solution specification)
User Stories,
Software-Development / Programming
Advising / Consulting
Administration / Support
Quality Assurance / Testing
Software development in the area of relational databases
Technical focus:
Requirements Engineering & Business Analysis

Fraud detection & Risk analysis
Imagine you are a small business owner, and you are going on holiday for the next couple of weeks.
While you are on holiday, someone calling in at your local bank branch reputed to be your secretary and telling the bank clerks that your mother in law is the finale state of lung cancer. Therefore you alleged to move for the next couple of weeks to your mother in law to nurse her.
Of cause - the clerks are upset and offer their confidence to the strange secretary.However the secretary further argues and demands, out of the actual circumstances, to ship all mail for the next three weeks to your alleged mother in law’s address, the secretary provides.
At first the clerks are skeptical towards the correspondence address change but the alleged secretary offers to send over a corporate fax smile of your company with the address. (Obviously this has been some of your company’s former tender letters with all writings being replaced by a new content.)
A couple of days later the alleged secretary calls in at your bank again and claims that your briefcase has been lost at the airport containing all company bank access codes and credit/atm cards.
The clerks react immediately and shut down all your company’s credit and atm cards - but before they do so, they want to have some written proof - "of cause" the alleged secretary calls out - "i 'll immediately fax you over a statement of our company!" - the clerks are contented as they know the secretary from before" and so a fax smile from your company arrives saying that you have lost all company credit & atm cards and your company bank account internet accesses.
Then some ours later the alleged secretary calls in again at your bank. This time she reports to have a tremendous problem, as all company’s bank accounts are blocked and she is not able to wire a very important bank transactions. Of cause the clerks argue, this situation normal, as the bank accounts and corresponding internet accesses are blocked. But the inveterate alleged secretary states that she accepts and understands the banks measurements but argues that she badly needs at least access to one of your companies accounts or otherwise she would also be fine if the bank could just balance one very important invoice because your company would otherwise loose in consequence a very important big deal that you had contrived half a year ago and that you have worked on all day and night during the last couple of weeks.
As you are not reachable (your are still on holiday) the bank clerks argue that they need at least to have a written proof of you as the company owner to send out a new card and internet access – even only for the business account -.
"Of course" the alleged secretary calls out and sends over a fax smile with the corresponding statement.
At the end of the day - guess where the new cards and the bank account internet access settings have been sent to? ----> Yes. To the supposed mother in laws address which was of course also faked!!!!
If you need help in fraud prevention and IT based risk management as bank, insurance company etc. or do not want to encounter a similar situation - Let's meet
I am one of the leading consultants in the eBusiness analysis and requirements engineering working for the past years for telco companies, banks, insurance companies and multiple small business companies all over Europe, Russia, Switzerland etc.If your are looking for someone to trust and to realise your IT – tasks -> - Let's meet
Automotiv - greetings from Georg Orwell
Imagine that until recently it was possible in the Europe of "open borders" to travel by car from Portugal to Slovenia without your trip being register by a government authority (assuming you had switched off your mobile device).
This was a large black hole for some State authorities in the wake of the terrorist attacks of 11 September and the affiliated increasingly occurring terrorist danger for the civilian population, because since decades, a complete monitoring of all ship, rail (actually there is another black hole here as the leading booking agency application is used by travel agents with anonymized passenger data due to the fact that the ticket issuer should not turn directly to the passenger), and air travel is possible. But not for individual car traffic.
In the EU - Regulation of the 08.09.2011 it was decided by the EU to introduce the eCall system as automatic emergency call system - mandatory for all cars sold from 2015 on (eCall is the short form for emergency call).
Technically it is GPS - Mobile phone combined - system with two NAD modules on board - but here build as a black box – in the public sense to reduce rescue times and contribute to reduced accidents at all beside the improvement of rescue of people in accidents.
In the recommendation of the EU Member States it was prompted further by the EU Commission 2011, that all member states have to ensure that all mobile operators (mobile networks) - as the relevant infrastructure of eCalls system - primarily have to forward all eCall calls without charging.
The complete functionality of eCall, as previously mentioned, is not disclosed by today. The car - implementation is realized as a black box – meaning not manufacturer garage or authorized repair shop knows anything detailed about the real functionality – beside the aspect, if it will be removed off the vehicle, the vehicle is inoperable.
The actual use of the system is much beyond all things the original life-saving - aspect. This is most evident by looking at the American "original" call OnStar, that 1995 "officially" was founded by General Motors.
By using OnStar is it possible for example to stop car chases immediately with the lowest possible risk for the civilian population (http://abcnews.go.com/Business/Autos/story?id=3706113 ) or it is possible immediately to track incidents of carjacking and stop them (http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/technology/2009/10/onstar-gps-carjacking.html/ ) or the possibility of the prevention of starting of stolen motor vehicles (http://www.autoblog.com/2009/07/21/onstar-announces-remote-ignition-block-for-stolen-vehicles/ ).
The benefits for the Homeland Security and the NSA however go much further (http://catless.ncl.ac.uk/Risks/26.58.html#subj3 ).
With help from OnStar, a continuous monitoring of the individuals car traffic is possible, without informing the concerned himself. Even more: by installing the mobile - unit it is possible to have a complete language audit of the car interior in best possible quality without having the appropriate vehicle previously bugged.
When this feature was disclosed a couple of years ago - it was officially affirmed by the NSA and Homeland Security, that OnStar has been only a study, which had been discontinued in the meantime.
But - in fact, OnStar has never ceased to exist and was further expanded. In 2006, the service in the United States monitored already 500,000 vehicles. On the 18.04.2012 it was reported that OnStar is holding 439.000.000 online - connections (https://media.gm.com/media/us/en/gm/news.detail.html/content/Pages/news/us/en/2012/Apr/0418_onstar.html ) - with number solid rising.
In the eCall project I was decisive for the design and implementation of the data protocol of the eCall system of the contained two NAD modules (the second module was mandatory requested due to this incident and accordingly planned http://news.cnet.com/2100-1029_3-5109435.html ).
I am therefore capable of letting my very extensive and diverse experience in the automotive field flow into my work in new projects from this environment.

GEO Localization
After the Edward Snowden's revelations have led to the awakening of the world the riot is also in the area of mobile localisations.
However, I've developed in scope of my activities in the risk examination area for network - operators long time ago – already essential and very complex IT - solutions for localisations via cellphone.
It is for network operators therefore - as I said - already since a very long time possible due to the used cells (keyword triangle - bearing) to determine the location of a mobile device even without GPS.
For instance in the case of the Iraq war it has been possible (through collection and analysis of many devices data), to monitor and track the troop activities and movements of U.S. forces relatively precisely (obviously there have not been all private cellphones handed over which have been than used later on after obviously particular highly impressive experiences by soldiers stationed in Europe). This may be only partially known U.S. Government authorities.
This functionality was developed rather randomly within the fraud detection for European mobile operators. The mass review of native mobile radio cards abroad serves primarily the elimination of fraud initiation. Extra-European mobile phone - service provider often try to request the balancing of roaming costs en mass for allegedly incurred calls and data usage in the domestic mobile operators network.
Based on the analysis of the above-mentioned data it can stated if there is a upcoming access by police forces at a certain territory or also in principle an accumulation of several persons hitting for the territory.
Due to my experience in this area I am eligible to let very extensive and diverse experience find their way into new projects from this environment..